Sunday, October 20, 2013


Something that I learned from this article is that zombies have been around since 1932. Another thing I learned is that people believe that George A. Romero's depiction of zombies is a Criticism on capitalism. I also learned that people believe zombies could also be a symbol for conformity. Something I liked about this article is that it was about zombie movies. Another thing I liked is that the article answered a great question, Why do we love zombies so much? A question I have on the article is Are there too many zombie movies?

Pretty Animated Girls

Something that I learned from this article is that Lino Disalvo, head animator for the new disney movie "Frozen" caused some uproar after saying that Female characters in animation have to be "pretty." Another thing I learned is that Repunzel from the recent animated disney film "Tangled" looks alot like the female characters from "Frozen". I also learned that Brenda Chapman, creator and Co- Director of the pixar movie "Brave" was appaled by Disalvo's statement, especially after just having a fight with disney about the "Pretty" remake of Merida from "Brave." Something that I liked about this article is that it points out alot of stereotypes that I feel Disney and other companies push on people about girls in movies and animation having to be pretty. Another thing I liked about this article is that it shows a gif made with pictures of the characters from "Frozen" and Repunzel from "Tangled" and it shows that the characters look almost exactly identical. A question I have about this article is What gave Lino Disalvo this idea that the girls have to be "Pretty"?

This week.

This Week I learned about transitions and effects in adobe premier. Something I would like to learn in the future is how to make special effects in Adobe After Effects. Something that made me happy this week was having a shorter week. Something that frustrated me this week was trying to understand the curriculum in trig.  Here's an article about FLAC and Mp3 format songs, I thought that this article was interesting and had a lot of relevant information.